Monday, March 29, 2010

Buncha animals!

We all derive our energy and are lit by the same source. We're just different outlets. We're not as special and individual as we often believe. I know we each have our uniqueness to contribute and that our smallest actions to effect the whole, but we're each still one of many, elbowing our ways into the world. We flood the streets, pollute the air, strip the earth of its ancient and natural beauty and breed, all the while trying to be special to someone or someones. Some of us desperately need to be loved by millions, while others are okay with a small few. Are we the only species with such specific and acute egocentricity? Does the queen bee give herself airs for her unique place in the hive? Does the alpha of the wolf pack attempt to conquer other packs once he's succeeded in his own? Or is it because they don't know the difference anyway that they remain content in their positions. There's no anternet or tiger t.v. to facilitate in inter-species quantum communication. The seasons are their guide, their media, their providers. And the creatures less affected by the seasons are trapped in the cycles of survival.

In our own cycles, there are ghost prints of these earlier tighter days. We write love songs and put on make-up and get crushes. We react when we feel threatened, and binge in times of excess. And we covet our possessions as though our young. We're so in love with our creations in our culture of congratulatory egotism, where our human worth and value to each-other moves further from skills, reflexes, and ingenuity and moves more to aesthetic standards and power posture.

No wonder our brains are shrinking!

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