Monday, January 25, 2010

Q: Who Am I?

A: I am Hailey Marie Gaiser

A: I am everything but Hailey Marie Gaiser

Our cells are constantly living and working to fight off the Atmosphere. Disease, bacteria, and viruses jump between spastic molecules of gases that want nothing more than to tear us down. And yet, these gases keep us breathing, keep our hearts pumping blood to our muscles and brains, while our fortress of skin does its best to protect our fragile innards from exposure to the dangerous air. And while all of this is going on, we still consist of mostly space, a micromirror of our universe. So if we are mostly space, how can we say we're anything at all? Other than a bunch of globular bodies floating around other globular bodies, suspended in glop? circles within circles within circles. circles living in cycles. Is the secret to the universe as simple as a shape? It might be.

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