It makes me sad how full of sadness the world is. Strength in 'Economy' (whatever that means) seems to produce all this glitz and glamour, flashing lights. All this industry and production. But it's filled with an emptiness. The nothing. And everyone keeps trying to fill the nothing with stuff--which just causes the nothing to grow. It's swallowing everything whole. Our sadness grows, and yet we all keep standing and smiling, like robots. Everyone is smiling, but no one is laughing. I laugh sometimes to keep from crying. Dusty was telling me about this faux newspaper in New Orleans (like The Onion, but local for New Orleans) called "The Leavy," who's slogan is "We don't hold anything back." which made me laugh, I thought it was so funny and clever--but only because of how fucked up and sad it is. It seems like somewhere behind every good joke is a pile of carcasses or a pool of tears.
The world we live in is so beautiful, but they're sending rockets to the moon to search for water. Why would want to live in a weightless desert with unlivable temperatures and no life? A place with no rivers, lakes, animals, or plants. How is that a reasonable choice, especially when we're trillions in debt to China and unemployment is running out the door?
I suppose "they're" just setting it up for themselves, in the event of an apocalypse. And they must know one is coming, or they wouldn't have bothered with it. The class-elite can go sit in their bubble with their worthless money and fight over air and water.
No thanks. They can have it.